Saturday, January 3

Новогоднее решение

Okay, so I decided to enforce new year's resolution, eventhough I told myself "Nad, no matter how many resolutions you list down on your tiny notebook or paste it on your wall beside your bed - in the end!- you will wave your hand dismissively and say, 'Nnehh!'"

But, screw you Nad No.2! I can do it! (now I am seriously crazy)

Here's my Novogodnye resheniye:

  1. Be more active,
  2. More importantly, participate in events.
  3. Utilize whatever potential I have,
  4. And hence, will discover new things about myself.
  5. Be more assertive,
  6. Not being like a shut clam.
  7. Try out new things, like baking.
  8. Buy oven.
  9. Save more!
  10. Work out.
  11. Go out more.
  12. Pray more.
  13. Re-start interest in photography.
  14. Learn advanced (and hopefully expert) photoshop.
I will achieve these resolutions like my life will depend on it. Like, if I was to die at the end of this year, I will die knowing that I have achieved something and my life has not been meaningless.


Unknown said...

You're going to put meaning in your life by planting these lousy resolutions?
Are you serious?


RiotFaerie said...

That's a lot of resolutions. I sure hope that you could get them done...

Josseiris Cuevas said...

I like your blog and I think you can do all that you REALLY want to do!
Greeting from Dominican Republic! ;)