Monday, March 16

Internally combusting, and missing you like crazy

I discovered today that Dom Knigi (House of Books) are selling books in ENGLISH!

I went there today with the sole purpose of finding an English-Russian Medical Dictionary. Up the stairs, turn left and when I was about to enter the main books section, something in my peripheral view caught my eye. 3 tall shelves full of English books. Hallelujah!

Okay, first reaction. I thought the books are from unknown or unpopular author because the books at my eye level was from a science fiction genre. Looked up, lo and behold, Chuck Palahniuk reigns. Instantly, I was internally combusting. I had to refrain myself from squealing and running around with arms awaving in the air. Grabbed "Fight Club" because there's only that and "Diary" - which I already have (courtesy from Teah, ILU!) Not only that, there are books from Sophie Kiensella (total chic lit that I wonder if I should try reading), Dean Koontz, John Grisham, Stephen King, and some other popular writers.. etcetera etcetera... And they even sell some books from some of the acclaimed Russian authors like Vladimir Nabokov...

So I bought Nabokov's Lolita for 394 rubles (yes, I know it's kinda perverted, but it's a famous classic! and I'm a big girl, so there!) and Fight Club for 393 rub. Worth it? Yea ah!

They didn't have the medical dictionary though, but it was worth my money. Initially, I wanted to buy a top to spoil myself after browsing for medical books. But know this my friends -

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations, you have experienced ~*~magik~*~.